As we collectively try and maintain and grow our customer base, some key strategies implemented against a backdrop of the basic rules of human relations can go a long way:
Keys To Remember:
Good marketing is about building relationships.
It’s always about listening to what the customer wants and needs.
It’s the small things like smiles and greetings.
The outrageously good service you give
And the close and personal follow-up with your clients and prospects.
Why Do Customers Choose One Business Over Another?
Consider the research done by the Forum research corporation. They have analyzed 14 major service companies in terms of customer satisfaction. Their results follow:
*15% of customers switched to another business because of quality problems.
*15% left because of price
*70% departed because they didn’t like the human side of doing business with the prior provider of the product or service!
Building the human bond means treating clients and prospects with the utmost respect, offering the most valuable information and always giving them the very the best service. If you do they will become customers for life and your very best sales force.