How Social Technologies Contribute to a Better Customer Experience
This post is on behalf of the CIO Collaboration Network and Avaya During each interaction with a brand, organization, or institution, the person on the other end of the interaction has a perception of how things went. Over time, the accumulation of these touch points deepen the customer's … Read More»
Toothpaste, toilet paper, white matter, and jam: Clues for better decision making
Several years ago, my wife and I ran out of toothpaste in a remote part of small Southeast Asian country. We spent half the day trying to find a place that carried a halfway recognizable form of packaged toothpaste. It was more of an adventure than you might imagine. We ultimately found one unopened … Read More»
Exploring new frontiers of real time customer feedback
This post is on behalf of the CIO Collaboration Network and Avaya Growing up, I spent much of my time playing competitive team sports. I played soccer, basketball, and (American) football. In each case, almost immediately after some level of effort, I knew how I had done. I got immediate feedback … Read More»
Optimizing the Full Spectrum of Customer Interactions
This post is on behalf of the CIO Collaboration Network and Avaya Last weekend I had the pleasure of introducing a movie for the first time to my 5 year old son - a movie that incidentally, I first saw when I was 5 years old. In it, an iconic message was communicated via a channel that … Read More»
The Digitization of Human Interactions: From Long Tail to Mass Disruption
Photo Credit: "Because the purpose of business is to create and keep a customer, the business enterprise has two, and only two, basic functions: Marketing and Innovation." - Peter Drucker Last week I had the pleasure of spending some time at Online Marketing Summit at the Hilton … Read More»
Trust: It matters (more than you think)
"Organizations are no longer built on force, but on trust" - Peter Drucker "Technique and technology are important, but adding trust is the issue of the decade" - Tom Peters "Mistrust doubles the cost of doing business" - Professor John Whitney, Columbia Business School "As you go to work, … Read More»
Six Things Customers Want
Often, when asked a question by media, existing customers, or prospective customers, I find myself answering with some version of "It depends." What's the biggest priority in 2012? Should we begin a Social CRM initiative? What's the first thing we should do? Which software solution should we … Read More»