Change: From Specialty to Core Competency
I'm amazed at the blistering pace of technological advancement. Yesterday, I saw that one person's brain controlled someone else's finger. What used to be a good value at $700 just a few years ago, is a significantly better free add on today. I can see where all my friends are at any time of day, … Read More»
Mindspark: The lurking question at the core of everyone we interact with
Regardless of what segment they fall into, deep down at the core of their being, your customers, your employees, your peers, your execs, your partners, your prospects (and all those in your personal life) all are asking one question. "Do I matter?". It drives a significant amount of their … Read More»
Ascending towards the Social Business Summit
There's the Social Media Summit and the the Social Business Summit, the Social TV Summit, , and the Social Good Summit, but I'd like to present a different view on the Social Business Summit. In 1856, buzz grew as people first began to hear that the tallest peak in the world had been … Read More»
Everybody’s talking about Customer Experience. Customers still not getting what they need.
Lots of executives, marketers, customer service folks say they work for a customer focused organization. They say they care about the customer experience. According to a myriad of research reports, blogs, tweets, podcasts, and whitepapers, I see an increased focused on customer focus, customer … Read More»
Just press the easy button
"To trace something unknown back to something known is alleviating, soothing, gratifying and gives moreover a feeling of power. Danger, disquiet, anxiety attend the unknown – the first instinct is to eliminate these distressing states. First principle: any explanation is better than none…" – … Read More»
And then there was One
And then there was one. From a competitive standpoint, this phrase conjures up images of one champion left among the many fallen. One champion bold enough, strong enough, and resilient enough to outlast everyone else. The immortal words of Hall of Fame Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi … Read More»
Seizing Opportunity in a Hyper-Dynamic Environment
This post is on behalf of the CIO Collaboration Network and Avaya Did you know that in the past 3 years, we've seen: Encyclopedia Brittanica go out of print after 244 years Newspaper Ad Revenue surpassed by Internet Advertising after 305 years Number of Landlines surpassed by Mobile … Read More»
Improving the known, exploring the unknown, and innovating to be well-known
"The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency." - BILL GATES The statement by Gates underscores the importance … Read More»
Global CEOs chart the course into unchartered waters for the Next Generation Enterprise
The average time that a company spends in the S&P 500 is 15 years, continuously trending downward over the past 80 years. In fact, as recent as 10 years ago, the average lifespan was 25 years. Perhaps a decade from now, the average lifespan could be as short as 10 or maybe even 5 years. Change is … Read More»
Movements, Mashups, and Metamorphosis: The Rewiring of Institutions
Corporation. Non-Profit. Community. Business. Cause. Platform. Government. The clearly defined borders that have traditionally enveloped the institutions above are blurring and we're trying to make sense of it all. The music industry is still trying to figure out what … Read More»