Why Big Data won’t solve your Big Problems

If you follow this blog at all, you know that I work tirelessly trying to piece together tomorrow's technology with the challenges of today to help organizations grow; by creating new value propositions and better customer experiences. The world we live in is being re-architected into an … Read More»
What midsize enterprises can learn from baseball’s small market teams on Opening Day 2014

Welcome to Major League Baseball's Opening Day 2014! You don't care, but I root for two teams: The Dodgers, and the Angels (except when they're playing the Dodgers). There are not too many baseball related things better than Vin Scully's (now broadcasting for his 64th year!) silky smooth voice, … Read More»
Fantasy Football, Big Data, and the narrowing of Information Assymetry

Tonight, the 2013-2014 NFL season kicks off. The popularity of the sport continues to grow beyond expectations. Along with it, the fantasy football season also begins. Trash talking, trades, billions of dollars in so-called "lost productivity" for corporations. It also continues to grow in … Read More»