Digital Identity , Predictive Analytics, and Context at Center of Digital Transformation

Last week, I had the privilege to spend some time discussing some of the most important topics facing organizations today with Vala Afshar, Michael Krigsman, and Mitch Lieberman. During the course of the conversation, we riffed on what digital even means, the intersection between the digital … Read More»
What every business can learn from financial markets

The world is being connected; People, roads, railroads, appliances, cars, televisions, light bulbs, clothing, shoes, city streets, and just about everything else is "joining" the internet. Possibilities expand exponentially as things join a network. Inputs and outputs increase. At some point, … Read More»
Why Big Data won’t solve your Big Problems

If you follow this blog at all, you know that I work tirelessly trying to piece together tomorrow's technology with the challenges of today to help organizations grow; by creating new value propositions and better customer experiences. The world we live in is being re-architected into an … Read More»
Demand for speed driving investment in customer analytics & marketing technology
The cabbie welcomed me and we started on our way to Dulles. The snow had been falling for hours, and his impression was that people would be trying to beat the weather. I was indeed leaving a bit early to make sure to catch my flight back to the West Coast. The email I received that morning from my … Read More»
Fantasy Football, Big Data, and the narrowing of Information Assymetry

Tonight, the 2013-2014 NFL season kicks off. The popularity of the sport continues to grow beyond expectations. Along with it, the fantasy football season also begins. Trash talking, trades, billions of dollars in so-called "lost productivity" for corporations. It also continues to grow in … Read More»